Our Bal Conn® electrical contact helps manufacturers of implantable medical devices improve performance while reducing package size and increasing reliability. Download our white paper to learn more.
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Our Bal Seal® spring-energized seals provide superior sealing performance in a range of pressures, temperatures, and media, for clinical analyzers. Download our application bulletin to learn more.
If you’re looking to improve the performance of your high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pump designs, our Bal Seal® spring-energized seal can help. Watch the video below to learn about the features and benefits of Bal Seal Engineering’s HPLC pump seals. The Bal Seal, which combines advanced polymer formulations with a wear-reducing energizer element, is...
In diagnostic medical devices, EMI/RFI can compromise critical test results. In this presentation, Bal Seal Engineering examines the relationship between shielding components and diagnostic accuracy, and highlights the capabilities of its Bal Spring® shielding spring. Topics include shielding selection criteria and tips for designing with a “systems approach” to achieve better performance. Having trouble...
The Bal Spring® canted coil spring can help you get cleaner, more accurate results out of your diagnostic equipment. It provides superior shielding against signal-compromising EMI, while improving uptime and enabling simpler, lightweight designs. Our spring is at work in some of today’s most advanced diagnostic products, and it has been helping designers like...
Reduce Weight, Increase Unmanned Vehicle Uptime
Aerospace & Defense, Bal Spring, Conducting, Connecting, ShieldingDesigning tomorrow’s unmanned vehicles and systems is a complicated job. Choosing the right sealing, connecting, conducting, and EMI/RFI shielding components can help you simplify it. For weight reduction and more efficient part fastening/removal, there’s the Bal Spring® canted coil spring. With its ability to mechanically latch, lock or hold, manage electrical current, and shield...
Our Bal Seal® spring-energized seals are used to protect against gases and liquids that can damage sensitive components in devices such as pumps and surgical power tools. Download our healthcare sealing brochure to learn more.
Custom Components are Key to Smaller, More Efficient High-Speed Surgical Tools
Bal Seal, Bal Spring, Medical, Sealing, ShieldingThe Bal Seal® combines low friction, compact designs, and excellent resistance to sterilization processes to enhance the performance and reliability of surgical saws, drills, burrs, reamers, and other high speed devices.
Download our EMI/RFI shielding application ebook to learn more. Summary Global demand for shielding solutions to address electromagnetic and radio-frequency interference is on the rise due to the need to prevent equipment failure in aerospace, defense, automotive, telecommunications, and many other industries. Shielding from EMI and RFI is vital to preventing damage to critical...