Aerospace & Defense

Around the world, designers of commercial and military aerospace and defense systems trust Bal Seal Engineering’s springs and seals to protect critical equipment from leakage and potential failure. Our products help make equipment smaller, lighter, faster, and more power efficient.

Products for Aerospace & Defense

Commercial Applications

Defense Applications

Aerospace Industry Achievements

Sealing in Space

When it comes to space travel, we’re frequent flyers. During Apollo missions, astronauts used tools with our seals in them to sample and store lunar soil. We’ve been helping NASA and others reach for the stars ever since.

560 million kilometers to mars visual representation
Making Tracks on Mars

As part of the Curiosity Rover mission, our seals traveled >560 million kilometers. Today, they’re still protecting the rover’s drive mechanisms from the harsh Martian environment.

Supersonic Shielding

At nearly twice the speed of sound, even a little interference can cause big problems. That’s why defense aircraft designers use our Bal Spring® to shield sensitive onboard electronics against EMI.

Aerospace & Defense Customer Successes


“Bal Seals did fly as part of the Flight Rover Differential Mechanism on the MSL Curiosity Rover. I appreciate the work your team did for us in this application.”

Ben Riggs, Mars Curiosity Rover Engineer


“When I saw the Bal Spring®, a light bulb went off.  The multi-point coil contact provided exceptional grounding – zero resistance across the path. It was the ideal solution.”

Hans Raven, Engineer
ATK/Northrop Grumman

Technical Resources

Industry Catalog

Aerospace and Defense Sealing, Connecting, Conducting and Shielding Solutions

Application Bulletin

Low friction seals in gombals/pods/turrets/pan-tilt systems

Material Data Sheet

Material Data Sheet: Polyimide-filled PTFE

What’s New?

Custom components that drive tomorrow’s technologies.®

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Custom components that drive tomorrow’s technologies.®

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